Shaduhs Uh Voodoo

by Cheryl Gittens-Jones

Setting: Barbados

Cast: 9 main characters, supporting cast - flexible

Plot Summary:  SHADUHS UH VOODOO, a semi-autobiographical work, tells the story of a family oppressed and depressed by traumas historical, social and economic.  The son, stricken by AIDS, sees oppressive figures, or "Shaduhs", which feed on the energy of his family members.  Through flashbacks, we are shown the physical and emotional abuse that the family have endured at the hands of the father - all of this interwoven with the iconography of the "Loas of Voodoo", the symbolic representations of spirituality in the Voodoo religion.

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84 pages
Catalog Number #OAPD027
ISBN number 1-894910-27-3

Price $4.95

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Permission to Perform  "Shaduhs Uh Voodoo" 
$30.00 per performance


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Updated December 1, 2011